Let’s talk ist eine sehr gute Möglichkeit Menschen miteinander ins Gespräch zu bringen.
Wenn Sie denken Kultur, Strategie und Struktur haben viel mit gelingender Kommunikation zu tun, dann kann dieses Instrument für Sie sehr hilfreich sein.
JedeR in der Organisation ist für die zielführenden Schritte eines Unternehmens wichtig und jederR muss im eigenen Tätigkeitsfeld verantwortlich und selbstwirksam handeln.
Wenn Sie im Unternehmen Vertrauen fördern bzw. etwas verändern möchten, dann brauchen Sie viel Offenheit, und genau diese basiert auf der Möglichkeit miteinander ins Gespräch zu kommen.
Beispiele für Einsatzmöglichkeiten von Let’s talk
- Sie suchen nach Antworten für unternehmensrelevante Themen
- Positionen sollen im Meinungsaustausch verstanden werden
- Sie wollen Standorte, Bereiche oder Gruppenzusammensetzungen bewusst gestalten
Dieses Produkt wird überwiegend in Manufaktur – auf Ihre Situation abgestimmt – genutzt. Nehmen Sie bitte Kontakt zu uns auf.
About Let’s Talk
Development of a culture of better togetherness through a new culture of dialogue, and a quick discussion of topics in order to initiate, realize, stabilize and optimize developments.
It’s about promoting a different culture of dialogue in the company.
To address controversial topics quickly and also to address topics that are otherwise not so easy to talk about, in the entire company and across hierarchies.
A very cool aspect of the tool is that the company doesn’t know who answered what, everyone should know that beforehand. Then the company creates the experience of openness, the development of trust and, if necessary, the overcoming of hierarchies. Let’s Talk creates more communication, leaves the silo thinking…. across the entire organization. These are constructive aspects with very exciting effects.
They answer a few questions about a topic chosen by the company.
Then the results are linked via self-locators.
It is not clear beforehand who you are going to meet, that is a very colorful mixture, suddenly the HR director is talking to someone who works in production, for example, and both are allowed to talk. This is usually perceived as very profitable. That is one of the principles in this cultural change. Some try across all hierarchical boundaries, age limits … to break these power distances so that people can come into contact with each other and talk.
Others bring locations into discussion.
Some managers have no real feeling for what is happening in their employees‘ daily work and are far too far removed from it. That is why we create many encounters between people with let’s talk.
In the end, many say that it was very exciting to listen to these perspectives so personally and were amazed that it didn’t matter who actually had which rank, but that everyone was just there as people who had an opinion. That is the particularly profitable thing. Appreciation and respect can grow.
The employees have sometimes developed guiding principles, values and a value system – often together – and this value system was discussed in many conversations. But the questions „Are we living our values?“, „How would I know that we are living our values?“ Etc. are not really discussed. However, this is an important form of dialogue. Ultimately, what counts is the implementation and not the existence of a mission statement.
When 2 people meet and have opposing opinions, and they understand each other and they present their points of view to each other, so that you actually understand the other better, that is practical cultural development.
It is very nice when employees discover in a dialogue that it is not at all that we are incredibly far apart, we just have a different opinion, but at the core we share a value system, an idea.
This instrument can be embedded in an overall process or stand on its own. A culture of understanding is always promoted.
Cultural design is an ongoing process and not a project. Either we design it deliberately and responsibly, or it designs itself.